Things have come to a halt for no apparent reason. Although not having bargained for a change of course and wanting to stick to a fixed schedule. Instead, you take a detour to avoid the obstacle and don’t waste all your energy on trying to overcome it. It may take a bit longer to reach your goal, but you might gain more valuable experience in doing so.
Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 PopularityEverybody wants to get to know you, despite your popularity, it’s your open and likable personality that’s appealing. Consequently, you find it easy to approach people you don’t even know and strike up a conversation, giving them the feeling they're important to you is what makes you approachable and fun.
Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Active but relaxedWhatever you do, you do it in a relaxed way, enjoying every minute and it doesn't seem like work at all! Other people want to be around you to share in your enthusiasm; you're fun to be with and help them forget everyday worries with your easy-going attitude. You also find their company pleasant and enjoyable too, because they make you feel special.